Waste Knights: Second Edition
Waste Knights: Second Edition is a post-apocalyptic game of adventure and survival for 1-4 players. It is set in the Waste – dystopian Australia half a century from now, which has been ruined by global crisis, ecological disasters and machinations of a powerful corporation Cerbero. Players become Waste Knights, rugged heroes (or villains) trying to survive in this brave new world full of crazed cybernetic constructs, mutants, feral beasts and the most fearsome of all – other humans, no longer bound by moral constraints of modern civilization.
The game is adventure-based, with each adventure custom-made to provide players with a unique experience. The goal of the game is based on the theme of a given adventure and changes depending on players’ decisions and narrative choices. Each game is special thanks to hundreds of entries that contain gripping stories and strategic challenges, with the world around players reacting to their actions, but at the same time providing them with a living, breathing and deeply immersive background.
Rulebook • Guide • Book of Tales • 1 Game Board • 6 Knight Figures • 6 Knight Sheets • 6 Vehicle Sheets • 4 Reference Sheets • 70 Wasteland Cards • 20 Exploration Cards • 10 Special Cards • 64 Gear Cards • Gear Deck Holder • 8 Malfunction Cards • 8 Injury Cards • 24 Personal Upgrade Cards • 6 General Upgrade Cards • 12 Custom Dice • 4 Plastic Base Discs • 1st Player Marker • 10 Threat Tokens and bag • 12 Challenge Tokens • 30 Wound / Contaminated Wound Tokens • 30 Damage Tokens • 4 Experience Markers • 24 Knight Tokens • 10 Plot Tokens • 12 Fuel Markers • 12 Meds Markers • 12 Ammo Markers • 12 Radiation Tokens • 15 Danger Markers • 2 Camp Markers • 20 General Tokens • 1 Special Marker • 1 Ramparts Marker • 1 Time Marker • 10 Entry Tokens
WK2 Rulebook INTL Web (6.0 MB)
Waste Knights Errata Faq ENG (2.6 MB)
WK2 Book Of Tales Retail Version INTL Correction 2021-08-09 (4.3 MB)
WK2 Book Of Tales KS Version INTL Correction 2021-08-09 (5.3 MB)
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Tales from the Outback is an expansion for Waste Knights: Second Edition, a post-apocalyptic game of adventure and survival. It contains all non-exclusive game components from the successful Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign, upgrading your core game with the following:
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Beyond the Horizon is a massive expansion for Waste Knights: Second Edition, a postapocalyptic game of adventure and survival. Now is the time to leave the continent, embark upon a ship and sail to places you only know from legends and myths.Explore a new map enabling you to visit Tasmania, Solomon Islands or New Zealand altered by the Apocalypse. Learn the truth behind the infamous Project X, while battling deadly sea monsters and experiencing strange weather phenomena. Seek for fresh water – a new resource that will make the game even more realistic and challenging both for sea-farers and continent dwellers. Play as one of new Knights armed with unique abilities and expand your base game using tens of new cards, tokens, and adventures to experience a setting of enormous proportions however you like – solo, cooperatively or competitively. Choose your ship, set the course and see where the winds shall take you! |
It’s hard to talk about times you only know from stories. Although wherever you go you can encounter traces of long lost glory of our civilization along with evidence of its fall, to us, the survivors, they give little knowledge about the past.
It’s known that the apocalypse wasn’t caused by some lunatic with his finger over a red button, nor was it brought upon us by robots that reached selfawareness after decades of obedient servitude to humanity. We should blame for it our forefathers – billions of common people and those in power who governed them, ceaselessly repeating the same mistakes. Their stupidity, short-sightedness, blind faith and greed are the reasons for our struggle. The burdens which have to be carried by the next generations. We have no idea what happened on other continents. Here, in Australia, people chose to blame an international megacorporation called Cerbero for every imaginable evil. It took advantage of poor policy of the heavily indebted government and proposed a unique solution – the buy-out of the vast yet mostly barren, inner part of the country and substantial financial help in the form of strategic infrastructure investments. Effectively, after a few years Cerbero took over key industrial sectors and left the government powerless.
In the meantime, citizens started protesting against expenses on defense and police. This had a direct connection with Cerbero introducing a number of technological improvements that had been designed to protect Australians against the growing terrorist threat. Government-financed military and police became practically non-existent, replaced by Cerbero peacekeeping forces that were much better equipped and, most importantly, didn’t cost taxpayers a dollar.
Cerbero knew how to make the most of its investments. The desert interior soon became a testing ground for various scientific and military projects. The desolate heart of Australia was dotted with research labs, technological and production facilities located both above and below ground. Experimental nuclear reactors and geothermal power plants pierced the Earth’s crust kilometers deep. In that time people used to gossip that Cerbero even managed maximum security prisons in order to conduct bizarre genetic and biotechnological experiments on dangerous inmates, turning them into something more…
Now we know that every rumor of old rings true in innumerable, hideous spawns of the twisted imagination of Cerbero scientists, whose creations roam the Waste looking for blood. However, people could justify almost everything in the name of cheap energy, easy life and pretenses of safety in the world falling into chaos.
Yet, it is said that nothing lasts forever. Cerbero fell and our hopes for a brighter future ceased to exist. What were the reasons? Who knows…
Maybe the experimental, underground reactors powering the company’s infrastructure had simply failed? Maybe the central computer had been infected with some unknown virus? Or maybe Nature itself had decided to retaliate for millennia of abuse and plunder? The bottom line is – one day earth trembled and long-dormant volcanoes erupted again. A series of tremors and underground explosions caused the continent to break in two, changing its shape. Ocean waters flooded the rift creating the Great Divide – a watery canyon splitting Australia into two separate lands. Tens of thousands died in the ensuing chaos.
And in that very moment, with Cerbero agents occupied elsewhere, terrorists struck in the largest cities. Partially malfunctioning, military A.I. managed to provide limited protection, mostly for tech facilities belonging to the corporation. The ruin already brought upon Australia was multiplied tenfold, bereaving Australians of their livelihood.
And thus began the darkest of days that cannot even be compared to our current fight for survival. I guess it’s good that the generation remembering the Scourge is practically gone, while those greybeards who still remain don’t wish to share any stories about that bleak time. We know that the population fell sharply and misery reigned everywhere. Yet, people were quickly tempered in the flames of eternally burning factories and dying lights of abandoned metropolises. Our fathers and grandfathers taught us how to get by in the Waste. Our mothers and grandmothers made sure that we wouldn’t make any mistakes of the past. Thanks to them we can proudly walk among fading memories of the world that they’d helped destroy.
We are the children of new Australia, the outcasts from the technological Eden, willing to use any tool just to see another dawn. We do not fear beasts that escaped from ruined Cerbero laboratories, nor cybernetic constructs of the company mindlessly patrolling the wasteland. We proudly stand against gangs and degenerates looking for easy prey and we do not believe false prophets promising a new paradise on Earth. We know that the only thing left for us is survival. We are the Waste Knights…